Friday, October 23, 2015

currently craving: fall

usually this is right around the time the air is at its perfect crispness, the leaves are looking pretty spectacular (but also equal parts crunchy beneath your feet), and one of the best holidays is so close you can taste it. I say usually because what I'm describing it pretty particular to a place that isn't Los Angeles, and not that it's the end of the world, but this girl misses fall. I'm sure it sounds crazy to someone who hasn't grown up their entire life with it as your favorite season and what you straight up wait for all year (and put up with the bs that is snow in the winter and the humidity in the summer/all year long), but it really is the best. not to mention the fashion (hello layering and knits and boots and sweaters!), the activities (apple picking and corn mazes and pumpkin patches and haunted hayrides), and the tastes (apple cider and cider donuts and caramel apples and sugar rim on my pumpkin beer). did I say I was missing fall?! the year I was in madrid was the first and only time that I missed it, and it's just as horrible now as it was then. and thanks to the creation of instagram (that was back in the day when all the cool young people were using facebook), I have the daily reminder of just how much beauty and fun I'm missing out on. I know when it's January and New England is dealing with the raw, grey horribleness that is winger, I'll be counting my blessings that I jumped ship and headed west- but right now, autumn on the east coast is looking mighty good.

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