the time has come for this east coast lady to head back to her roots, and kiss LA goodbye. these past 2 years have been amazing, and I'm so glad that I decided to pack up my life and try something new. I knew when I made the decision to leave boston, that it was temporary. I didn't have the standard LA dreams of moving here and becoming famous, or leaving massachusetts forever and setting up shop in california. these two years have been exactly what I needed to reignite the fire in my belly for boston, and allow me to fall back in love with new england. they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and this is certainly one time when "they" know what they're talking about. there are plenty of things that I'll miss about LA, but number 1 is definitely all of my loves (mostly the ying to my yang/resident best friend <3). I've been so lucky to meet some of the most amazing people, and I don't take a single one of them for granted. I consider myself a 'people collector'- not a weirdo who collects people in a freaky way you sickos, but a person who collects important people from every stage of their life and holds onto them. LA, with it's industry people who are vapid, shallow, and stereotypical in every sense own the word, is a tough place to meet people, real people who you will share your life with and become better person because of. I was lucky to meet a whole slew of them, and I'll treasure them forever. anyone thinking of moving to LA, my advice is to have a thick skin to deal with all of the bullshit that comes with living here, but once you get past that, it can be an amazing place to grow as a person. I tell people all the time that I do my best growing as a person when I move to a place where I know (hardly) no one, and are forced into a sink or swim situation- my time in Madrid was the best thing for me, and now LA is a similar situation. I think anyone can benefit from time outside of their comfort zone, and these two years in LA have been such a learning period for me. goodbye LA, I'll miss you and your flakey people, your traffic, your lack of public transportation, your incomparable mexican food, your incredible vintage shopping, your beaches, your bums, your comedy scene, your jay-walking, your toilet seat covers, your lighted parking garages, and some of my favorite people in the whole wide world.
thank you for everything; I'll be back before you know it.
xoxo, marissa
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