as a gal with a nail polish collection that rivals some salons, I have plenty of opinions when it comes to different brands and formulas. for me, the perfect one is something almost opaque in one coat, but not so thick that it gets goopy (I'm looking at you fiji), with a creamy consistency (shimmer or metallic- no thank you), that dries quickly without losing it's shine. butter london is a brand that I became very familiar with buying for the pharmacies. they were the brand that we carried at all of our locations, so I received my fair share of freebies whenever a new collection was released (one of the greatest perks of that job!). when they launched their new line, patent shine 10x, I wasn't too excited since I'm a firm believer that your topcoat is the ultimate factor in a polish's shininess (I've written about my all-time favorite topcoat here and here), but I gave it a shot. the patent shine line, which has silver metallic tops to differentiate from the rest of the standard line (and a slightly higher price point at $20 per bottle), has quite the list of claims besides just being shinier:
up to 10 days wear time: I don't think I've ever kept a manicure for 10 days, since I'm a perfectionist and as soon as I see a single chip, it's all over. if you're someone who can deal with chips/edge wear then maybe this will last you up to 10 days, but I had my first chip after only a day (womp womp). the website even makes a claim as bold as "shock absorbing, chip resistance"- I'm sorry, but how in the world is nail polish shock absorbing... no, just no.
salon color coverage: these polishes go on amazing, which is the quality I've come to expect with all butter polishes, but in all honesty these are even better. super creamy consistency, opaque in one coat (but everything always looks better with two, IMO), and smooth when built up.
gel-like cushion: after two coats, they definitely have the look of a gel manicure, smooth and thicker looking then normal polish (in a good way). if you're someone with paper thin nails, this is a major selling point. it will give your nails some thickness so they're not constantly bending/breaking.
superior shine: right when you first paint them, the polish is super shiny even without a topcoat. but, like I said, I always always apply one. if you're someone who goes without a topcoat more often than not, this line would be great to get that super shiny look, without another step. save $$$, save time- win, win! however I will say, that after a few days, the polish has the usual look of a few day old manicure- still shiny, but noticeably less.
fade-resistant color: sorry butter, but no way. not only did my polish chip after a day, but the edge wear at the tip was also noticeable after a day. and that can't be blamed on my top coat, since I normally get through at least 2-3 days without seeing any edge wear. it's also important to note that I don't have a hands on job, so besides normal hand/dish washing, my nails aren't being beat up on the daily. if you are someone who is really tough on your nails/polish, you'd see it even sooner.
butter also claims that these smooth, strengthen, prevents breakage and peeling, and makes nails visibility brighter & more radiant. I'm lucky that I have strong nails that don't usually peel or break, so I didn't see any difference with using this line. and when removing the polish, my nails didn't seem to be any brighter or more radiant. claims like these are something that bother me about cosmetic products- it doesn't seem to be enough that the formula is good, and the colors are beautiful. companies feel the need to add on all of these crazy (and sometimes ridiculous) claims that just make me want to roll my eyes. they could be true, but I didn't notice anything special.
bottom line: a nail polish has to be pretty crummy for me to hate it, and this polish definitely isn't. I love the color choices, and certain aspects of the formula, but all of the ridiculous claims make it hard for me to justify the higher price point and fully love it. if you have weak/brittle nails that peel often, if you're someone who hates topcoats, or if you're trying to ween yourself off of gel-manicures this line may be perfect for you!
have you tried the patent shine 10x line from butter london? what are your thoughts?
xx, marissa